Budget summary

WordCamp is made by volunteers for the community. The event tickets are cheap and accessible for everyone but that requires a huge sponsors’ commitment.

That’s why we’d like to thank our sponsors again for their contribution.

We’d also like to thank our volunteers for spending countless hours on helping to organise and manage WordCamp, donating their own time for the community. Thank you.

WordPress is Open Source and everything around WordPress is Open Source as well. That’s why we’re publishing our budget showing every single dollar spent and received.

If you remember in 2017 we had a slight surplus in our budget and we explained where the money goes to. A perfect example is this year where we are running our WordCamp in loss.

If you have a look at the budget summary you’ll see that the cost per person is just over $200 which is much more than $60 cost per ticket. It’s only possible due to our amazing sponsors but also the global community. 2 years ago we were able to help out with a surplus but this year we were the ones needing community help to cover our $1,749.77 loss.

WordCamp is all about community and sharing knowledge. We hope that you enjoyed and 2019 WordCamp Auckland and we hope to see you in a year somewhere in New Zealand (hint hint Wellington). As always, if you’d like to join our WordPress community, start on our Meetup page. If you’re feeling excited about WordPress and people, please contact us through the meetup page and help us organising next Meetup and WordCamp. The existence of both relies on volunteers and if we want to carry on, every helping hand is welcome.